Glee Club Alumnus Brendon Snell (UNI, '04) shows extraordinary devotion to his alma mater with a very real "UNI Alumni" tattoo.
Brothers in song,
Welcome to the Alumni & Friends homepage of
The UNI Varsity Men's Glee Club website!
The Alumni & Friends are the strength and foundation of the UNI Varsity Men's Glee Club. We hope that this website will help to bridge the gap between Clubbers of many generations, so that we may all help to continue the excellence, tradition and camaraderie of the UNI Varsity Men's Glee Club, as brothers in song.
Friends of the Glee Club
We are still working to develop this portion of our website. Yet we encourage you get in touch with fellow alums, friends, and current Glee Clubbers so that we can all stay connected.