International Tours
“Tour was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I will carry the memory with me forever.”
Todd Honold and a fellow Glee Clubber on the 1984 International Tour.
The Glee Club has taken 20 international tours since 1980. Traveling every other year, the Glee Club has performed in Austria, the Czech Republic, England, Holland Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and Wales. Glee Clubbers are able to use the proceeds from our popular Christmas Variety Show to help pay their way so that everyone has the opportunity to travel. While every Tour is unique, each time the Glee Club travels we create life-long memories and lasting friendships. We’re headed to Greece in May of 2022 and you are invited to join the tradition!
Christmas Variety Shows
“The Christmas Variety Show is my favorite part of the fall semester! I take pride in presenting the audience with the best UNI has to offer.”
The Christmas Variety Show is a UNI holiday tradition that includes everything from the sublime to the ridiculous. December 2024 marks the 47th Annual Christmas Variety Show. There are several ways for members of the public to get tickets. While you can purchase tickets online, we encourage you to get tickets directly from a Glee Club member, who would then be able to use a portion of the ticket proceeds to help pay his way on our next tour.
“I look forward to seminar like I look forward to going home. It’s a chance for me to really meet the guys, share stories, and laugh hard.”
Brothers in Song: Drew Stevens (left), Ben Schmidt, (center), & Dylan Schulte (right) with Dr. Wiles (short).
Our weekly "Seminar" is at the heart of the Glee Club experience. Each Wednesday after rehearsal you can find members of the Glee Club at Lark Brewery. Seminar is an opportunity for the Glee Club to gather as brothers in song and talk about life, school, and what's going on in Glee Club rehearsals. The guys even do a little more singing and Cedar Valley residents often show up just for the opportunity to hear the Glee Club.