The Glee Club wishes to extend its gratitude to all our supporters.  In particular, we wish to say thank you to the Les Hale Endowment Fund Board and Bob Byrnes Kingpins.  

For reference, the image below shows a completed donation form to help you fill out yours correctly.

All gifts are tax deductible and Donors who contribute $1,000 or more will receive this striking lapel pin and be acknowledged by the Club in a variety of ways. Please make checks payable to the UNI Foundation.
Thank you for supporting the Excellence, Tradition and Camaraderie of the UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club!

Recent projects supported by the Kingpins and LHEF Board

  • Academic Scholarships

  • Tour Scholarships

  • "Masterworks Collection" CD

  • Tuxedo Purchases

  • Rugby Purchases

  • Charter Bus Rentals

  • Alumni Relations

UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club
Bob Byrnes Kingpins

PLATINUM KINGPINS — Gifts of $15,000+

*Dickinson, Craig (’81)

*Graves, Kevin (’93) and Liz

*Heinle, Steven (’93)

Johnson, George (’71)

Jones, F. Austin (’86) and Kim M.

GOLD KINGPINS — Gifts of $10,000+

**Bauer, Jason (’00)

The Les Hale Chorale –
Hale, Dr. Les and Colleen,
Director and Founder, UNIVMGC

Rodriguez, John (’82) and Lorene

*Smith, Scott (’82) and Claudia

*Thompson, Lee (’76) and Carol (’74)  


SILVER KINGPINS — Gifts of $5,000+

*Boekhoff, Don (’89) and JoNel (’87)

Bonar, Rick (’91)

Drewelow, David (’76) and Lonna

*Gwin, Leo (’81) and Anita

*Janssen, Mark (’04) and Jessie (’04)

*Keller, Dylan (’14)

**Patterson, Matt (’99) and Blair (’99)

Staudinger, Alexander

Strub, Lee (’85) and Laura (’85)  

BRONZE KINGPINS — Gifts of $2,500+

Bierstedt, Brent (’02)

Bott, Kevin (’08) and Andrea

Bruner, Kenneth (’12)

Cline, Doug (’85) and Susan (’85 & ’93)

Croston, Nicholas (’19) and Caitlyn

Dawson, Ryan (’11)

DeJongh, Andrew

*Eltjes, Scott (’88) and Jodi (’88)

Ford, Edward (’82)

Foster, Dr. Austin P. (’12) and Dr. Devon

Green, Andrew (’10)

Greving, Brian (’96) and Katie (’96)

James, Chad (’95) and Sabrina

Kempker, Alex

Marlow, Paul (’88) and Theresa (’91)

Miller III, Raymond (’03) and Lindsey (’03)

Mefford, Chris (’91) and Heather

Riley, Adam (’02) and Jessica (’02)

Rose, Kevin (’01) and Rosanne (’00)

Schuler, Steven (’00) and Sara (’01)

Snook, Warren (’00) and Angela

Strabala, Keegan (’14)

Wiles, John and Amy

Winter, Mike (’84) and Denice


KINGPINS — Gifts of $1,000+

Adamson, Peter (‘93)

Althof, Stephanie (’92)

*Andersen, Darik (’01)

Barrett, Dr. Bradley T.

Belden, Scott H. (’71) and Myrna J.

*Berthusen, Joel (’90) and Ann (’90)

Bertram, Derrick

Billings, David (’96) and Melissa (’96)

Blanshan, Kevin (’79 & ’96) and Dee

Blount, James (’13)

Boisen, Eric (’15)

Book, Joe (’01)

Boomer, Michael (’97) and Kathryn (’99)

Brannon, Micheal (’91)

Breen, David (’83) and Mary

Brickley, Adam(’07)

Brokaw, Chris (’96) and Deb (’01)

Bruss, Adam (’04)

Burford, Teale (’08 & (’11)

Byrnes, Chelsie and Bejar, Rafael

Byrnes, Dustin and Cladera, Ed

Byrnes, Mark and Candace

Byrnes, Robert (’71 & ’77)

Cakerice, Kirk (’77) - Brothers, Sing On!

– In loving memory from Jed (’77) &

Debbie Fisk & Dan (’77), Sue Scoles Carlin, Dan & Mary Eileen (Cooney) (’61 & ’69)

Carlin, Patrick (’00 & ’03) and

Caviness, Brett (‘11)

Hansen, Michael (’08)

Chaplain, Zach (’17)

Christiansen, Martin (’18)

Church, Randal (’81)

Clark, Lori Hockett (’87) and Richard

Conover, Chad (’94) and Jill

Cook, Colin (’16)

Crozier, Nathan (’11)

Cuvelier, Thomas (’84) and Susan

Dahmus, Dave (’71) - In memory

Daisy, Ryan (2018)

Derringer, Cory (’12)

Divoky, Joe (’06 & ’08)

Drewelow, Andrew (’12) and Brianna (’12)

Duhrkopf, Clark (’89)

Duskin, Jeff (’87)

Ebert, Clark (’00) and Shary (’00)

Eggen, Paul (’83)

Elkin, Chad (’90) and Carrie Ann

Englebart, Tyler (’10)

*Federer, Erik J. (’98) & Shannon (’98)

Feilmeier-Marzen, Melissa (’03)

Ferden, Kyle (’10)

Ferguson, Jacob (’16)

Flege, Bill (’88) and Kelly

Foy, Christopher (’84) and Mary

Gardner, Loren (’03) and Carlene (’01)

Geadelmann, Patricia

Gleason, Dan (’07)

Gleason, Michael (’06, ’08)& Megan (’11)

Goeman, Bob (’92) and Deborah (’92)

Granzow, Joseph (’90 & ’95)

Greve, Bret (’96)

Grieme, Kevin (’07)

Haack, Joel and Linda

Happel, Brian (’00) and Nicole (’09)

Harris, Jerry (’89) & Beth Jorgensen (’89)

Harris, Matthew (’04) and Adam Fanning

Hicks, Joddey (’91)

Hintz, Brian (’02)

Hodnefield, Boe (’04,’06)

Hoffman, Adam (’06)

Honeyman, Brandon (’15)

*Honold, Todd (’86)

Hoversten, Jake (’11)

Huff, Casey (’06)

Jackson, Brian (’85)

Janaszak, Aaron

Jensen, William

Jones, F. Addison and Marion A.

Kaduce, Zach (’02) and Katie

Keahi, Chris (’97)

Ketelsen, Scott (’82) and Suzy (’84)

Kime, Justin (’19)

Klein, Joe (’84) and Lynn (’85)

Kleiss, Sam (‘17) and Jenna

Koster, Brian (’03) and Cynthia (’03)

Lamb, Talon

Landis, Luke (’98) and Emily (’98)

LaRue, Richard (’74)

Leckband, Jordan (’19) and Meghan

Loney, Angie Monteith (’94) and Jeff (’96)

Lightbody, Larry (’75) and Jennifer (’75)

Lindeen, Eric (’06)

Magee, Michael (’80) & Sheryl (’80 & ’81)

Marlow, Patric (’92)

McCord Sean (’17)

*McInnis, Mark and McInnis, Brian (’96)

Merck, Christopher (’19)

Meyer, Todd (’87)

Miller, Wesley

Moldt, Pete (’90) and Karen (’88)

Moody, Justin

Morton, David (’82) and Mary (’83)

Moss, Michael and Lori

Murray, Timothy (’84)

Neuendorf, Tracey (’99) and Chris

Nguyen, Henry

Nickerson, Doug (’91) & Candace (’87)

Nuehring, Corey (’96) and Michelle (’95)

Olson, Greg (’96) and Jill

Owen, Ben (’15)

Owen, Ronald (’67) and Marilyn

Parker, Derrick (’94) and Heidi (’93)

Pauly, John (’99 & ’01)

Peters, Paul

*Phillips, Jeremy (’87) and Deb Copeland

Pippert, Nathan (’00)

Porath, Adam (’03) and Angie (’03)

Pullen, Matt (’05)

*Rasmussen, Layne (’81) & Peggy (’86)

Rasmussen, Nancy

Reidy, Patrick (’08)

Renken, Neil (’07)

Rodgers, Derek (’06)

Ruden, Alan (’94) and Tanya (’96)

Schettler, Eric (’06)

Schmitt, Bob (’94) and Julie (’94)

Schmitz, Jim (’94) and Kim (’94)

Schroeder, Thomas ('89) and Jill

Schultz, Brent (’97)

Sharp, Mark (’88) and Kathryn

Smith, Josh (’05) and Nicole

Smith, Lane (’05) and Rachel ('04)

Smith, Skipper (’96) and Shelly (’97)

Snell, Brendon (’99) and Katie (’06)

Sparks, Mitch and Katie (’16)

*Stuber, Dan (’93) and Karen (’01)

Tabbert, Troy (’04)

Terpstra, Tyler (’07)

Tille, Heath (’00) and Angela (’00)

Tillman, Ed (’92 & ’99)

UNI Varsity Men’s Glee Club

Vandercook, Jeff (’78) & Terri (’78 & ’79)

VanLaere, Justin (’02) and Cayen

Verdon, Jason (’95) & Lynn (’94 & ’95)

Voran, Brad A. (’81)

Wander, Darren (’01)

Warren, T.J. (’06) and Brittany (’06)

*Weis, Rod (’87) and Rosalyn (’87)

Wheeler, Brian (‘87, ’99) and Deanna (’88)

White, Hunter (’22)

Williams, Martin (’10)

Williams, Robert (’10) and Dana

Wogen, Darin and Michelle

Wood, Landon

Worm, Richard (’64) and Jane (’64)

Youngstrom, Scott (’82)

Yowler, Jaime

Zwald, Kelly (’04)

*Corporate Match

**Lifetime Pledge


Les Hale Endowment Fund Board

Chair, Brian Hintz (2002)

Vice Chair, Thomas Winkelman (2015)

Secretary, Joseph Granzow (1990 & 1995)

Treasurer, Troy Tabbert (2004)


Don Boekhoff (1989)

Douglas Cline (1985)

Kevin Grieme (2007)

Kyle Ferden (2010)

Christopher Pollpeter (2015)

Hunter White (2022)