Friday, August 23 - Saturday, August 24

What is Traditions Week? Traditions Week is an opportunity for incoming members of the Varsity  Men's Glee Club to meet each other, the Glee Club Leadership, and get a head start on several of the Glee Club Standards that we will perform at the Welcome Home Concert! 

Is Traditions Week mandatory if I wish to join the Glee Club? Absolutely not! But we hope you'll be able to join us!

Where do I go to attend Traditions Week? Jebe Hall in the GBPAC!

What time should I be there? Check out the schedule on this page! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Wiles!

Do I need to bring anything? Nope!

What is the Welcome Home Concert? The Glee Club sings the Welcome Home Concert on Friday, September 6 at 6pm in Lang Auditorium. Admission is free!

Can I practice my music before Traditions Week?  Of course! You can hear our music here!  You can also download some of the sheet music by clicking here!

TRADITIONS WEEK SCHEDULE All events in Jebe Hall unless otherwise noted

  • Friday, August 23, 5-7pm (Dinner Provided)
  • Saturday, August 24, 5-7pm (Dinner Provided)


  • Monday, August 26, 6-7:50pm
  • Wednesday, August 26, 6-7:50pm,
  • Monday, September 2 [No Class - Labor Day]
  • Wednesday, September 4, 6-7:50pm, DRESS REHEARSAL in Lang Auditorium

WELCOME HOME CONCERT, Friday, September 6, 6pm, Lang Auditorium